z` Internet of Things (security) – ISOC Namibia
Internet of Things (security)
Internet of Things (security)

Internet of Things (security)

Cybersecurity will be the most pressing challenge of the next decade, and IoT will play a critical role in it.”
Internet Society 2017 Global Internet Report

What is an IoT device?

It’s a physical object that connects to the Internet. It can be a fitness tracker, a thermostat, a lock or appliance – even a light bulb.

Imagine shoes that track your heartbeat… and can flag potential health problems. You don’t have to imagine – these “smart” shoes already exist!

How will it affect me?

The Internet of Things has arrived and it’s going to introduce incredible opportunity over the next five years. And while smart things are exactly that, the IoT industry has a long way to go in terms of overall security. Many of today’s IoT devices are rushed to market with little consideration for basic security and privacy protections: “Insecurity by design.”

This puts you and everyone else at risk: from unwittingly being spied on or having your data compromised to being unable to lock your own home. You could even become part of a botnet that attacks the Internet. Your insecure webcam – along with millions of others – could be used to attack the power grid of an entire country.

Internet of Things in Namibia -awareness is key

Our Chapter is taking part in the 2018 chapterthon through a project focusing on developing and distributing teaching materials to schools, which raises awareness on Internet of Trust (IoT), cyber security in local languages through multiple formats such as digital videos and audios by one of our members, Sebulon David – a former University lecturer who now implements ICT based projects in rural Namibia.
We hope that this campaign reaches university platforms and initiate discussions at a national level.

Event: ISOC Chapterthon 2018 Namibian
Participants: 164 Teachers